The final video of the CONVERGE project is online
The final video of the CONVERGE project is now available on Youtube
The final video of the CONVERGE project is now available on Youtube
TNO hosted a very interesting workshop on biofuels at Petten.
The CONVERGE consortium is glad to invite you to the workshop at TNO in Petten (NL) on 18th May.
CONVERGE has successfully presented last results at the International Workshop on CCU.
CONVERGE kickstarted the calendar year 2021 with a very important meeting with Concawe STF-3 Group.
Check all the information directly on the website of the event.
Optimal configuration was found for the electrochemical hydrogen compression system.
The D6.2, deliverable entirely dedicated to the biomass supply chains assessment, has been completed.
CFE has successfully presented a paper for the CONVERGE project.
We are organizing a workshop on CO2 Capture and Utilization.