Campa Iberia S.A.U. is a company belonging to Musim Mas group dedicated to the commercialization, distribution, storage and transportation of biodiesel and other derivatives, including gums and glycerine. The biodiesel and its derivatives commercialized by Campa come from the biodiesel plants of the group installed in Spain and Italy. 4 sites (3 in Spain and 1 in Italy) with a total production capacity of 1.300.000tn. The plants work mainly with vegetable oils and residues obtained from the refine and process of vegetable oils, and the aim is to increase the use of residues while reducing the consumption of vegetable oils in the biodiesel production. Musim Mas is committed with the sustainability of the biodiesel (greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss and social conflict, among others).
Campa Iberia’s website
We are Campa Iberia
My name is Elena Querol Roig, I am the Sustainability Manager of Campa Iberia S.A.U. and within CONVERGE I will participate in the tasks of cost analysis and specially the impact in the biodiesel production costs. I will also do some research on the benefits of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from the market opportunities point of view.