WP 1: Coordination and Dissemination

This work package details the CONVERGE Project Management plan. Starting from the CONVERGE concept, the different tasks and collaborations between the work packages are identified. In addition, a GANTT chart for the entire project detailed for each work package is included.

The aim of this report is to have a tool to evaluate the status of the project, to check the timeline and achievements of the different activities as well as to be sure that all partners are aligned and confident on the respective targets.

This project management plan will be checked and updated as the project develops according to the achievement of the intermediate milestones and deliverables.


• Ensure appropriate project management and coordination, including risk management and delivery oversight. In addition, the execution of specific innovation-related actions will be also coordinated by this work package.

• As described in Section 2 several dissemination actions will be under taken to accomplish the project’s expected impacts. This requires the definition of a business plan for the project.

• A “dissemination and exploitation plan” is needed to accomplish the defined exploitation and dissemination actions described in Section 2. The plan will identify the target communities to address the project’s specific messages, with its corresponding timing and selected communication means. In addition to these communication actions, the dissemination plan will take into account meetings with venture capitalists, events and certain commercial actions. Finally, special attention will be paid to the intellectual property issues, like IP scouting and IP protection.

• To carry out the dissemination activities identified in the “dissemination and exploitation plan”.