Politecnico di Milano is a public technical university established in 1863, nowadays organised in 12 departments and a network of 6 Schools of Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. The number of students enrolled in all campuses is approximately 40,000, which makes the Politecnico di Milano the largest Engineering School in Italy (www.polimi.it)
The research activity pursued at the Department of Energy spans a wide range of thermo-fluid-dynamic and chemical processes required to convert primary energy sources (including fossil, renewable and wastes) into useful forms of energy (electricity, heat, synthetic fuels) in stationary and mobile plants. The support for the CONVERGE project will be granted mainly by the Group of Energy Conversion Systems (GECOS).
The role of Politecnico di Milano in the CONVERGE project is the coordination and optimization of the innovative process in order to determine the overall efficiency and costs.
As university, efforts will be dedicated to the dissemination of the project results through journal papers as well as conference presentations
Giampaolo Manzolini

I have a Ph.D in Energy Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and I’m currently associate Professor of “Energy and Environmental Systems” at the School of Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. My main research topics are related to innovative processes with low CO2 emissions with particular attention to Concentrated Solar Power, CO2/H2 separation technologies, Micro-grid optimization and biofuels. I’ve been collaborating with several Universities and research centre as Eindhoven University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, TNO, MIT and SINTEF.
I’ll be coordinating the CONVERGE project as well as supporting the techno-economic assessment of the process.
Matteo Romano

I am Matteo Romano, associate professor at the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano. I got a MSc in Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Energy Engineering, both from Politecnico di Milano.
I am experienced in process modelling of energy systems and in process integration of novel separation technologies (sorbents, membranes, solvents) in power plants and energy intensive industries. In this field, I also coordinate the H2020 project Fledged and I have been working as principal investigator for Politecnico di Milano in Cleanker, Cemcap, FlexiCaL and Ascent projects.
In the CONVERGE project, I will co-supervise the process integration and techno-economic analysis of the CONVERGE biomass to methanol process.