Universitatea Babes-Bolyai (UBB) is an academic educational public institution aiming to promote and sustain the development of specific cultural components within the local, regional, national and international community. Universitatea Babes-Bolyai is ranked within the first two university of Romania taking into account the fundamental and applicative research activity. On international level, UBB is one of the most representative universities from Central and Eastern Europe. With 21 faculties, more than 53000 students and with an experienced teaching staff of 1700, UBB is now an active participant in most of the European and American academic associations.
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Lecturer Dr. Eng. Letitia Petrescu received the PhD in 2008 in chemical engineering in the field of sustainable industrial processes more exactly in modeling, simulation and environmental assessment of chemical processes. Tools such as: Process Sustainability Prediction (PSP) Framework or more complex evaluation tools – Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – are used for choosing the most environmentally friendly design.
Currently, she is lecturer at UBB being responsible of the following academic disciplines: “Computer Aided Design“and“Process Intensification“.
Within the CONVERGE project Letitia and her team will be involved in WP5. Their main role within the proposed project is to perform environmental evaluations of biodiesel production starting from secondary biomass and other waste streams as raw-materials. The environmental evaluation will be performed using LCA methodology. The task matches very well with the expertise of the team.