CA.RE. FOR. Engineering (CFE), acronym for CARBON REDUCTION AND FORESTRY, is a professionals association started in 2012, by Marco Ugolini (Forest Engineer) and Luca Pedocchi (PhD Chemistry). Both of them have more than 20 years experience in their own operational fields.
CFE has a specialized and recognized background on biofuels supply chain sustainability and life cycle inventories and assessment of Agricultural and Forestry Systems. CFE has also proved abilities to design and introduce sustainability oriented values in the industrial processes related to agro-energy and agro-food systems.
CFE is one of the major specialized national players in consultancy on environmental sustainability certifications, according to the Dir. 2009/28 / EC modified by Dir EU 2015/1513, and life cycle assessment of the biomass and intermediate products in the production chain of biofuels, with particular reference to biodiesel supply chain.
Since 2012, CFE has supported as consultancy a large number of facilities and plants (about 30% of the Italian market) involved in the supply chain of the biodiesel production.
Within this area, CFE has been at the forefront of biodiesel production chain sustainability in Italy, accompanying in 2012 the first Italian Company to obtain the certification for the environmental sustainability of the whole supply chain from the agricultural stages of the biomass cultivation to the biodiesel production, within the 2BSvs scheme.
We are CFE

Marco Ugolini, Forest Engineer graduated at the University of Florence, Italy, in 1992 he enrolled in the Agronomist Association.
In the period 1995-1996 he spent one year as an intern at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München.
He has more than 20 years of professional experience, national and international, in the environmental fields related to forest management, ecological restoration, biomass value chain creation, supply chain and product environmental sustainability and life cycle assessment with applications to Agricultural and Forestry Systems.
From 2005 to 2011 he was member and Vice President (2009-2011) of the executive board of the Professional Association of Agronomist and Forest Engineers “Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali della Provincia di Firenze”.
He has taught seminars and lectures at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Florence and Pisa and at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Florence.
Marco Ugolini founded Care or Engineering in 2012, of which he is Managing Director.
His specific role within the CONVERGE project is WP leader in the business case and supply chain work package (WP6) and technical expert of LCA in the WP5.